Tomorrow Is SysAdmin Day!
July 31 is System Administrator, or Sys Admin day! As in-person communication or the occasional hug for the system administrator isn’t really advisable in the era of Covid-19, you can do these three things to let the SysAdmin in your life know you care:
Don’t re-use your passwords: And make sure all of your passwords are strong and impossible for anyone else to guess. If you do re-use passwords (note: please don’t), check out the website to see if any of the passwords you’re using have been compromised in a data breach.
Back up your systems: We can help you get a backup system in place, and you need one: a single bad disk, corrupted data, or ransomware attack can bring your entire office or business to a screeching halt. Follow the 3-2-1 method of backups and make sure it’s running properly.
Keep an eye out for phishing emails: When it comes to phishing for your credentials or delivering malware, emails and email attachments are a hacker’s go-to to gain entry to your system. Even with sophisticated antivirus and anti-phishing software in place, every email should be viewed as a potential threat. Always follow up with a phone call if someone is requesting your data, be suspicious of any file attachments, and don’t click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of a spam message - that could be a trap set by hackers, too.
The main overarching theme here is to practice good data hygiene, both for your own peace of mind and for the SysAdmin in your life. To learn more about how to secure your systems, contact Nodal today!