Google to Automatically Delete Trash Items From Drive After 30 Days

Google has announced that it will delete users’ files in the Trash folder on Google Drive after 30 days.

Effective October 13, 2020, the company will automatically delete files in its online storage platform’s Trash folder. Under its previous policy, files placed in the Trash by users remained indefinitely until manually deleted. 

While the new policy will affect all end users, Google and G Suite admins will still be able to restore deleted items for up to 25 days. Files in Google Vault will not be affected. Deleted items from other services such as Google Docs and Google Sheets will also be deleted after 30 days.

Items placed in the trash will still continue to affect the user account’s disk storage quota until they are automatically deleted.

Nodal advises all users check their Google Drive trash folders for items they wish to retain before October 13th

Have questions about the new policy? Confused or overwhelmed by administration of your Google account? Looking for solutions to backup your companies Google Drive? Nodal can help. Contact us today!


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