Google Rolls Out Passkeys For a Password-less Future
Google’s long history of attempting to do away with password-based authentication may have hit a new milestone.
Clicked on a Phishing Link? Here's What to Do Next.
When it comes to phishing emails, everybody plays the fool sometimes. Here’s what to do when you after you click the wrong link.
Have You Gotten Hacked Recently? Here's Why.
We’re living in a golden age for cybercrime. Ransomware, phishing, business email compromise (BEC), malware, remote access trojans (RATs), the list of threats and threat actors is too long to describe. Unfortunately, each of these is a threat to your business regardless of its size.
Tomorrow Is SysAdmin Day!
July 31 is SysAdmin day - here are three tips to make your system administrator’s life easier - and yours more secure!
How much does your password matter?
Does it matter how strong your password is? New research suggests it’s less important than you think.
Inventor of the Computer Password Dies at Age 93
Fernando “Corby” Corbato, inventor of the computer password, has died at the age of 93.
Google Introduces Password Checkup Plugin for Chrome
Billions of logins and passwords have been compromised in recent years. Google’s latest plugin is hoping to keep users safe.