Windows Updates Breaking L2TP VPN
A set of software updates released by Microsoft for Windows 10 and 11 are reportedly breaking Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) VPN connections.
How to Defend Against Ransomware in 2022
Ransomware attacks spiked in 2021. Here are a few tips to keep your business, your data, and your customers secure in 2022.
What Does Apple's Emergency Patch Mean For End Users?
Apple released an emergency patch for its entire line of devices earlier this week.
New Google Drive Security Update May Break Links to Files
Google’s upcoming security update to its Drive service may change or break previously existing URLs for shared files.
Threat Actors Remotely Wiping WD NAS Drives
Hackers are actively targeting specific models of Western Digital network-attached storage (NAS) drives to wipe their contents and exfiltrate their data.
Cyberattack Disclosure Requirements Are Coming
Congress is mulling mandatory data breach disclosures for businesses. Here’s what the means for you.
Google Enables 2FA By Default
Google has announced that it will automatically enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for users.
AWS Urges Users Update To Deadline 10.0 Or Later
Amazon’s AWS Thinkbox service has released a message to Deadline users strongly encouraging them to update to version 10.0 and higher, and that support for previous versions would be deprecated.
Tomorrow Is SysAdmin Day!
July 31 is SysAdmin day - here are three tips to make your system administrator’s life easier - and yours more secure!
Zoom Credentials Being Sold in Bulk on the Dark Web
Credentials to hundreds of thousands of Zoom accounts are currently being sold for fractions of pennies on the dark web.
The Security Risks of Using Zoom
If you’re considering using Zoom to keep in touch with co-workers and colleagues or are currently using the platform, there are a few potential risks to keep in mind.
Working Remotely Due to Coronavirus? Keep Cybersecurity in Mind.
With daily reports of the spread of coronavirus, many companies are asking their employees to stay home when possible and to work remotely. While the thought of riding out a global pandemic from the comfort of one’s home has a certain appeal, for many companies, it’s significantly easier said than done.